Jennifer Miskov: Ignite Azusa – Book Cover Design
Client: Jennifer Miskov
Project: Ignite Azusa – Book Cover
About the book
The book is written about a historical account of a christian revival that happened in the early 1900’s and was prophesied by modern day prophets that a recurrence of revival will happen 100 years later. As well as a historical account this book has keys to equip christian will the tools to be prepared for the coming outpouring from God.
The key element that the book was designed around is the victorian house in the center, that was modeled after the Bonnie Brae House that was where God 1st started the outpouring that we know as the Azusa Street revival. With the house in the center and located in Los Angeles we are sure to see to revival pour throughout LA into the world. hence the layering from the house into the city then the world.
Original House model by Darren Lampard from blendswap.com, as 3 story Victorian, remodeled to represent the Bonnie Brae house by David Stoddard in Blender 3D Application. All the imaging done in Adobe Photoshop with approximately 40 layers making up image, type setting finalized in Illustrator.

Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D
Jennifer is an author, speaker, adventurer, and founding director of Destiny House Redding, a community of worshippers seeking to launch people into their destinies from a place of intimacy with God and connection with family.
She is the author of Silver to Gold, Spirit Flood, Water to Wine, Life on Wings, and other works. You can learn more about Jen, Destiny House, and her Writing in the Glory workshops at www.silvertogold.com.

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